Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tasty, tasty food

Crappy, crappy picture

The important word here is tasty. OH SO TASTY, PUT IT IN MAH MOUF!!!!

I first made this dish years ago. All of the sudden, while standing in the middle of Kroger resisting the urge to shank the screaming toddler who seemed to be stalking me in the aisles, I could taste this stuff.

Am I the only dork this happens to? I'm just hanging out minding my business when all the sudden some little voice conspires with my taste buds and I will not rest until I have sampled such awesomeness again. Not something like it, not something close, not a near approximation but just exactly that combination of perfect flavors. Nothing else will satisfy me.

And this is how my poor family ended up eating sausage and zucchini 87 ways for the last two weeks until finally, I hit upon magic mix. So now I'm sharing it with you, not because I'm a giving, kind hearted person who just wants to share with the world something that has made me smile but because, by God when this urge hits me again, I wanna know exactly how to turn it out and shut my brain up with some sausage and rice.

So here we go.

1 package of Polish Kielbasa, diced into coins
1 medium sweet onion, diced
3 gloves of minced garlic
1 large zucchini cut into cubes
2 medium crookneck squash cut into cubes
1 3/4 c basmati rice
1 14.5 oz can of chicken broth
3 tbsp grated parmesan cheese

1. Heat 2 tbsp of butter in a deep sided frying pan. (Petey calls this the "hamburger helper pan" because we are high brow, yo.)

2. Add kielbasa, onion, and garlic. Cook on high until kielbasa is browned and onion is golden.

3. Add zucchini and squash, season with salt and pepper, and cook until somewhat tender but no where near done.

4. Dump in the rice. Stir until shiny.

5. Pour in the chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Then cover with a lid and drop the heat to medium low.

6. Cook for about 15-20 minutes or until rice doesn't crunch in your teeth.

7. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Now you can never leave me sausage and rice, never, no never, no never.

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